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Internet TV Broadcasting for Everyone

One of the advantages of living in the 21st century is the fact that we live in the age of information. If the 20th century was called the space age, we can definitely call the 21st century “The Information Age”. Perhaps Internet is the most definitive tool that allows such a big scale of information exchange to take place worldwide. With the Internet, no information can be kept isolated, as it allows worldwide access to knowledge, information etc. One important tool in this quest is the ability to video stream or audio stream your information.

Now you can use video streaming technology to create your own videos or own video blogs to publish to the whole world. Since the advent of You Tube, the free expression of home videos has blossomed. Now anyone who has a message can easily express it to the whole world, by using You Tube or similar sites.

However, there are more things that can be done with video streaming. Now you can watch any TV station in the world by tuning to its Internet TV Broadcasting. Although there are lots of TV stations broadcasting on the Internet, the number needs to grow larger so that anyone and everyone can watch their favorite TV shows live. This is especially useful for people who want to catch their favorite show at work. They can easily watch it at the Internet. But more to the point, Internet TV Broadcasting allows small businesses to create miniaturized TV stations for themselves. Just by owning a PC, a video Camera, a Video capture card and a Broadcast Streaming Subscription; a small business owner can easily have his/her own TV station that broadcasts only his/her products and services.

Let’s say for example, that you have a small insurance agency or a real estate agency. You can easily video record the various land and houses that you have for sale and you can broadcast these video recordings live 24 hours a day. You can call experts to your office and you can even broadcast your discussion or you can have a live interview on your own TV. Thus you can have your own Real Estate TV broadcasting on the Internet and you can therefore advertise your services and your ideas to every one. Some other examples can include Bank TV, Loan Consolidation TV, Car Insurance TV, Sales TV, Fishing Gear TV, Camping Gear TV, Fitness TV, Diet TV, Hobby TV etc. The possibilities are really endless, as you can easily make your own Internet TV that is centered on your niche and on your theme. So as a summary, information is everything, and you can start to share your information (your products, services, ideas) with your own Internet TV today.

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