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The Benefits of Using Cloudflare in your Website

Cloudflare Partner

We have been a Cloudflare partner since 2015, where we make it easy for you to enable CloudFlare on your account to take advantage of the benefits that CloudFlare offers. If you aren’t using CloudFlare on your hosting account, here are some reasons why you should:

1. Increase in Site Performance

We use the best quality hardware and network available, so naturally our web hosting is already fast… but CloudFlare provides an increase in website performance through their global CDN (Content Delivery Network). When enabled, the CDN will automatically cache your static files (JavaScript, CSS, Images, etc.) on their servers located across strategic data centers around the world. When a visitor visits your website hosted with GreenGeeks, CloudFlare’s Anycast technology will load those static files from a server located nearest to the visitor and your dynamic content will load from our servers. This results in faster load times due to decreased latency between server and visitor. Through feedback from customers, we’ve seen increases of 50% or more on site performance when CloudFlare is enabled.

2. Built-in Security

Security and performance is a big criteria for us at HostWebSolutions. We do everything to ensure our servers and customer sites are secure from a server standpoint, but most website defacement’s occur due vulnerabilities in the website code it self.  With CloudFlare, you’ll be protected against a range of threats: cross site scripting, SQL injection, comment spam, excessive bot crawling, email harvesters, and more. This is done automatically and will stop most attacks without the confusing configurations that are required with other security plugins and tools. Simply select your security level from High,Medium, Low and Essentially Off. CloudFlare will even learn about your site and traffic patterns and adjust its security on the fly.

Of the sites that are using CloudFlare with our web hosting, CloudFlare stopped over 200,000 threats in just one week.

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