You can try our demo accounts before you purchase our services. Also all of our packages come with a 7 day free trial when purchased through Paypal.

Shoutcast Online Audio Streaming Demo

Shoutcast Information:
Radio IP:
Radio Port: 9988
Radio Password: H4RH6MVZXCZFP
Listener Limit: 10
Bitrate Limit: 128 KBPS
AutoDJ Permissions: yes
Bandwidth Limit: 5000


You can download Winamp Shoutcast system from here

You can listen to our demo radio station for 1980’s Songs from here:


You can use our Flash Demo account to test the stream quality. You can go as high as 1024 kbps to test our stream.

You can use Flash Encoder to stream your account.
Stream: 8336
Password: Tdvy*wF2ap4Y
Listener Limit: 10

You can watch your stream at

You can also contact us at [email protected] to get a special private demo account to test your stream.

Please NOTE that we dont allow streaming of any illegal content through our servers and it will be immediately disconnected. Our website services are ONLY for LEGAL content and for DMCA compliant content.